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Giardiasis in Dogs & Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Treatments of Giardia in Dogs & Cats

parasites pet health Dec 21, 2023

Natural Treatments of Giardia in Dogs & Cats

Giardia, a single-celled parasite that often wreaks havoc in our cat and dogs' digestive systems, is notorious for causing significant discomfort and diarrhea. While conventional treatments have been the go-to for many veterinarians, they can have limited results and a surge in natural treatments are changing the game.

What Is Giardia In Dogs & Cats

Giardiasis, the disease caused by Giardia duodenalis, is a common microscopic protozoal intestinal infection in dogs and cats. The protozoa thrives in feces-contaminated soil, food, and water. Giardia is a common cause of 'traveler's diarrhea' in people worldwide. Giardia in dogs and cats can cause severe signs of disease and can greatly impact cat and dog's gut health if they become infected.

How Is Giardia Transmitted To Dogs & Cats

A dog and cat becomes infected when it ingests the cystic form of giardia from the environment. Pets get infected by ingesting these contaminated...

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How Cancer Changed Our Lives

I have a confession to make....yes all three of my pets have or had and died from cancer. This truth has been very hard for me to deal with as a holistic veterinarian. I advise people on how to help their pets thrive naturally and achieve their best health and here I am with three pets that I haven’t been able to save or prevent from developing cancer.
However, if I only focused on the fact that they developed cancer and I didn’t fix them, then how could I help other people’s pets. There are also so many unknowns to pets and people developing cancer. What is the environment like, emotional state, stressors, diet, toxins from environment, vaccines, drugs, and so many other factors that we cannot always control.
So if I continued to blame myself and question why I let this happen, then I would not be focused on the right path of how do I help my pets feel their best for as long as possible.
 I see and hear so many pet owners doing this to themselves...
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