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Top Home Remedies For Dog UTI

dog uti pet supplements Apr 29, 2024

Dogs can be affected by many different types of lower urinary tract problems. Fortunately, there are many home natural remedies to treat your dog's UTI.

First, it's important to know when your dog may have a UTI and what are dog UTI signs you want to be monitoring for before we start using natural home remedies for an infection.

What are common dog UTI signs and symptoms? 

dog urinating on treeIt can be hard to tell if your dog is in pain, because they may not show any signs at all.  However, if you’re seeing bloody, cloudy or their urine has a strong smell, you dog may have a UTI.

You may also notice straining or crying during urination, accidents in the house, needing to urinate more frequently, increased water consumption, or licking around their back end excessively after urinating, you’ll need to get them checked out by your veterinarian to rule out a UTI.

Also, if you have a dog that's all of a sudden not house-broken, especially puppies, it's important to get them checked out for a bacterial...

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Holistic Pet Care: A Guide to Safely Detoxing Dogs and Cats

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2024

As pet parents, we want nothing but the best for our furry companions. However, we often overlook the fact that our pets are exposed to a variety of toxins on a daily basis. Your pets will be exposed to over 85,000 toxins a year!

These toxins can accumulate in their bodies and cause health issues over time. That's why it's essential to detox your pets regularly. In this blog post, we'll discuss the internal and external sources of toxins, signs of congested detox pathways, how detox pathways work, and how to safely detox your dogs and cats using food and herbal remedies.

Internal and External Sources of Toxins

Toxins can enter your pet's body in several ways. One of the most common ways is through their food. Many commercial pet foods contain preservatives, additives, and artificial flavors that can be harmful to your pet's health. Kibble diets, in particular, are high in carbohydrates, which can lead to inflammation and obesity. Glyphosate, a herbicide commonly used in agricultu...

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Natural Pet Care ER Kit: Your Ultimate Guide to Emergency Preparedness

pet health Apr 29, 2024

In a world full of uncertainties, ensuring the safety and well-being of our beloved pets is a top priority for every responsible pet owner. Just like we prepare emergency kits for ourselves, having a Natural Pet Care ER Kit ready can make all the difference when unforeseen circumstances strike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into why having a well-equipped ER kit is vital and how it can be your pet’s lifeline in critical situations.

Unpredictability Demands Preparedness

Emergencies come unannounced, whether it’s a natural disaster, a sudden injury, or a health crisis. Being prepared can be the key to minimizing stress and ensuring that your pets receive the care they deserve promptly. A properly organized Natural Pet Care ER Kit becomes your go-to resource in times of need, offering immediate comfort and support to your furry friends.

Holistic Approach: More than First Aid

While traditional first aid kits are essential, embracing a holistic approach to pet care takes it a...

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Metronidazole for Dogs & Cats: Exploring Natural Alternatives and Safer Options for Diarrhea

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2024

When it comes to our beloved pet companions, their health and well-being are of utmost importance. As responsible pet parents, we want to make informed decisions about their healthcare, including the prescribed medications. One commonly used drug for treating various gastrointestinal issues in dogs is metronidazole. In this article, we'll dive deeper into metronidazole, its uses, potential side effects, and natural alternatives that might be safer for your dogs and cats.

Understanding Metronidazole:

Metronidazole, commonly known as Flagyl, is an antibiotic that is often prescribed to dogs to treat conditions like diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and certain bacterial infections. While it can provide relief from these issues, it's essential to be aware of its potential side effects and consider safer alternatives to ensure your dog and cat's long-term health.

The Effectiveness of Metronidazole:

Metronidazole works by targeting anaerobic bacteria and parasites, making i...

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Home Remedies to Naturally Treat Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

gut health Apr 29, 2024

As pet owners, diarrhea is one of the most common health concerns we may face with our furry friends. While it is not unusual for dogs and cats to have an occasional loose stool, bloody diarrhea can be alarming and may indicate a more serious health problem. Fortunately, several natural home remedies can help treat this condition and improve your pet's overall health.

Causes of Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

There are many reasons why dogs and cats may develop bloody diarrhea. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Food Changes: Abrupt changes in your pet's diet can cause digestive upset, including diarrhea.
  2. Eating Foreign Objects: Dogs and cats may swallow objects such as bones, toys, or even hairballs, which can cause intestinal blockages and lead to bloody diarrhea.
  3. Stress Colitis: Stressful situations such as boarding, traveling, or changes in routine can lead to inflammation in the colon, resulting in bloody diarrhea.
  4. Parasites: Parasites such as roundworms, hookworm
  5. ...
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Natural Heartworm Prevention For Dogs & Cats

pet health Apr 29, 2024


Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can affect dogs and cats. While natural remedies may help manage heartworm infections, prevention is still the best approach to avoiding the disease.

It is important to assess the risk of heartworm disease in the region where you live before considering any treatment options. If heartworm disease is prevalent in your area, it is recommended to seek veterinary advice for the best preventative options, but make sure to watch the video for natural remedies that can also be utilized.

Herbal supplements such as garlic, ginger, and black walnut hulls have been shown to have anti-parasitic properties that may help fight heartworm infections. It is important to note that while these herbs may have some benefits, their effectiveness as a sole preventative method for heartworm disease has not been proven, but can be part of an integrative approach in a high-risk area...

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Natural Remedies for Dog Ear Infections

allergies Apr 29, 2024

Did you know that there are many natural homemade remedies for your dog’s ear infection?

You may be feeling frustrated with going back and forth to the vet clinic for the same problem and the infection keeps coming back?

Unfortunately, ear infections are too common for our dogs and cats, but especially dogs.

Common Ear Infection Signs

So what are dog ear infections signs?

  • Ear pain
  • Your pet shaking their head excessively
  • Scratching and digging at their ear with their paw
  • Black waxy discharge or even pus coming from their ear
  • Head tilt with ear down
  • Bad smell coming from the ear
  • Redness on the inside of the ear flap

dog scratching ear infectionThere are many different causes for ear infections, and they are not always the same, even if your pet has had an ear infection before.

Thus, if you’re noticing any of these signs, make sure you book an appointment with your veterinarian to figure out what is causing the irritation in your dog’s ear.

Common Causes Of Dog Ear Infections

What causes dog ea...

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Top 5 Essential Oils To Soothe Your Dog’s Skin

essential oils Apr 29, 2024

Essential oils can be safe for your dog’s skin as a natural home remedy for wounds or to soothe your dog’s irritated skin.

It’s going to happen at some point.  Your dog could be running around outside and comes in and you notice blood.

Or maybe you have a dog that’s prone to itchy, red, hotspots.

These are all frustrating problems, and many times the conventional drugs only treat the symptom and not the actual cause of the problem.

But you can use natural remedies, like essential oils, to help resolve these problems to keep vet visits down and reduce the risk of side effects from occurring.

Having a first aid kit at home for when things like this happen is important.

In this short video, I’m going to cover what my top 5 essential oils are to have in your first aid kit and how to safely use them with your pets.

 When should you take your pet to the vet:

Now here’s my disclaimer.

If you’re ever questioning whether you need to go to the ER, just do it.

It’s always better to b...

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Natural Home Remedies for Flea and Tick Control for Pets

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2024


  • Many of the conventional flea and tick preventatives are causing neurological issues for pets, such as seizures and tremors
  • There are many natural home flea and tick repellants pet parents can use safely to limit toxicity from conventional drugs
  • If you need to give a conventional preventative, you can detox your pet to support them 
  • A combination of natural home remedies work better than one alone, especially if you’re in an area where there are a lot of fleas and ticks
  • You may not need to use flea and tick repellants year-round depending on your climate

Did you know that numerous pets are getting sick from flea and tick conventional medications? 

Maybe you’ve been worried about giving these drugs because you’ve read some of the side effects that can happen.

Newer conventional products use drugs that are neurotoxins, which are supposed to only affect the arthropods, or insects, and not your pets.

However, as we see more and more cases of pe

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Top 5 Natural Remedies for Your Dog's Skin: The Power of Essential Oils

allergies essential oils Apr 29, 2024


As a holistic veterinarian, I often encounter pets with skin issues, from minor wounds to persistent itchy hotspots. While conventional treatments focus on symptoms, I advocate for addressing the root causes and treating the symptoms with natural remedies like essential oils while you are figuring out why the itchiness is there in the first place.

Gut health is commonly a main reason for skin issues, like hot spots, allergies and ear infections.  Make sure that you don't end up missing the root cause for why the symptom is there since many pet parents end up in a vicious cycle of only treating the symptoms.  Make sure to check out our blog post on healing allergies naturally at the root cause level.

In this post, I'll share my top 5 essential oils for dog skin health and how to use them effectively and safely.

When to Seek Veterinary Care:

Before we dive into essential oils, let's address when it's crucial to take your pet to the vet:

  1. Injuries that penetrate the skin (e.g.
  2. ...
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