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Natural Remedies for Dog Ear Infections

allergies Apr 29, 2024

Did you know that there are many natural homemade remedies for your dog’s ear infection?

You may be feeling frustrated with going back and forth to the vet clinic for the same problem and the infection keeps coming back?

Unfortunately, ear infections are too common for our dogs and cats, but especially dogs.

Common Ear Infection Signs

So what are dog ear infections signs?

  • Ear pain
  • Your pet shaking their head excessively
  • Scratching and digging at their ear with their paw
  • Black waxy discharge or even pus coming from their ear
  • Head tilt with ear down
  • Bad smell coming from the ear
  • Redness on the inside of the ear flap

dog scratching ear infectionThere are many different causes for ear infections, and they are not always the same, even if your pet has had an ear infection before.

Thus, if you’re noticing any of these signs, make sure you book an appointment with your veterinarian to figure out what is causing the irritation in your dog’s ear.

Common Causes Of Dog Ear Infections

What causes dog...

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Top 5 Natural Remedies for Your Dog's Skin: The Power of Essential Oils

allergies essential oils Apr 29, 2024


As a holistic veterinarian, I often encounter pets with skin issues, from minor wounds to persistent itchy hotspots. While conventional treatments focus on symptoms, I advocate for addressing the root causes and treating the symptoms with natural remedies like essential oils while you are figuring out why the itchiness is there in the first place.

Gut health is commonly a main reason for skin issues, like hot spots, allergies and ear infections.  Make sure that you don't end up missing the root cause for why the symptom is there since many pet parents end up in a vicious cycle of only treating the symptoms.  Make sure to check out our blog post on healing allergies naturally at the root cause level.

In this post, I'll share my top 5 essential oils for dog skin health and how to use them effectively and safely.

When to Seek Veterinary Care:

Before we dive into essential oils, let's address when it's crucial to take your pet to the vet:

  1. Injuries that penetrate the...
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